Once again The Bluebee Room plays host to an all ages show – something truly welcome in any music town! Known for giving many a band their start, having a supporting atmosphere and attentive audience, and being an all-round welcoming place, The Bluebee Room is the perfect spot for Juno‘s 2016 Adelaide Fringe show, “Get Intimate with Juno & Draw Your S(words).”
Thursday 10th March sees the all girl Adelaide band trying a new format, by combining their music with spoken word poetry, featuring guest poets from monthly poetry event, Draw your (S)words. This will be storytelling at its most creative!
The gals have been focusing their efforts on songwriting of late, and are heading into the studio with some new music on the way for this year. Hear some of their brand new tracks at the show, and enjoy their soulful sound.
As The Bluebee Room’s owner Linda Hamley says, this is a great opportunity for “under 18s to be able to go out and see live music in a mixed and safe environment.”
10 March at 7:30pm
The Bluebee Room Basement, 131 Pirie St Adelaide 5000
* Also at this venue during Fringe is “CUMBIA!” an explosion of Latin-America’s most popular music – just for something completely different!