Aussie labels, get ready to RELEASE.
A national program that assists indie label owners across the nation has now opened for 2015 applications.
Presented by the Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN), and supported by the Australian Independent Record Labels Association (AIR) and Independent Music New Zealand (IMNZ), RELEASE incorporates two “residential labs” over a period of six months, held near Melbourne with the first running from 29 November to 2 December 2015.
These labs provide participants with business guidance, and the program is distinguished by the use of a psychologist to help participants with time management, resilience and life/work balance, critical issues for most small and micro-business owners for whom time pressures are a key challenge.
As for advisers/mentors from within and outside the music industry, these include Terry McBride, one of the founders of NETTWERK Canada; high profile entertainment lawyer Julia Kosky and successful marketing and label owner Andy Bryan, both from Sydney; as well as leading manager and label owner Craig Pearce from New Zealand.
“You have to be nimble to run an independent label that achieves both artistic and economic success today. Everything is in flux. But that also means there’s great opportunity for innovation” , says Dan Nevin, General Manager, AIR.
RELEASE application forms and guidelines are available from the AMIN, AIR and IMNZ websites.
Applications close 25 September 2015.