in love / in madness
If there’s one thing Squeaker have proved, however, it’s that their long-lasting stand as an act have trained them as powerhouses of innovation. Each song has a hook that just makes it so thoroughly enjoyable. Even better is that they’re subtle and integrated enough for them to go unnoticed, meaning that you’re not quite sure why you can’t get the songs out of your head for the 48 hours after you listen to the release.
If you’re thinking of picking up this release, or just going to see them at a gig around the place, expect to hear a sort of Three Days Grace sort of deviance alongside a tiny bit of Weezer, all blended together with fantastic instrumentation and vocal abilities. It’s safe to say that In Love/In Madness is a release that Squeaker, as a band, and Adelaide, as a city that exports incredible music and artists, should be proud of.
Also printed in Bside Magazine 30 April 2015