Scene Buzz: Eric Bogle, Audio Reign, Gorilla Jones, Ms Trace, The Rememberz, Feelgood Folk & More
– A few SA Bushfire benefit gigs this week, including ERIC BOGLE performing at The Gov. AUDIO REIGN drummer Dieter Schoell is doing something a bit different, offering to shave off his dreadlocks if pledges get high enough. The big shave will happen at their gig...
scene buzz: boxing day cup, rip it up, chasing the race, moving music
– If you didn’t make it to the Musos vs Bartenders Boxing Day Cup, you missed out on a great day of fun and a couple of great performances [OISIMA getting caught out on a soul-crushing 97 runs was a highlight] with a nailbiting finish. Check out photos and...
Scene Buzz: Club5082, Moving Music, Tom West, Hilltop Hoods, The Yearlings, Piano Busker & More
– Are you interested in composing electronic music? CLUB5082 are running a workshop in January around composition utilising beats and loops. Numbers are strictly limited so get in quick. Something tells us it’ll be quite popular. Hopefully they can run...
Scene Buzz: Bus To Big Trees, Tracer, Uberjakd, Timberwolf, Love & Other Crimes, & More
– It’s only a week till the FOWLER’S LIVE MUSIC AWARDS for 2014! Public voting is still open for your favourite local artist, song, venue, live music event and local music media source so make sure you head to the official website and get your votes...