Full schedules for Bigsound‘s Conference and Live Bands have been released, and it’s always a dilemma to choose between competing sessions and showcases!
The entire Music SA team will be in attendance in Queensland during the industry’s largest annual event, and we can’t wait to get amongst it all.
On the top of the list is the Adelaide Showcase Party of course, hosted by the Music Development Office. On Thursday 10 September you’ll find some of SA’s hottest acts performing for lunchtime crowds at 12:30pm at The Winn outdoor stage.
Be treated to live music by a handful of the latest Stigwood Fellowship Recipients, Grenadiers, Horror My Friend and Skies. Savvy long term fans will know what greatness they’re in for, and new punters will be blown away!
Grenadiers are also showcasing the night before (9 Sept) at The New Globe Theatre and we’ll be keeping an eye out for other South Aussie acts in the mix.
Say g’day if you’re out and about during the conference, and watch for highlights and other tidbits pouring forth from our Twitter profile @MUSICSA.