“Somewhere between a freewheeling circus-spiced Bonobo and the more aqueous depths of Jamie XX.” – The Bubble
Sirins, the moniker of Elliot Zoerner produces downtempo electronic music with complex textures. His music draws from a wide range of influences, from experimental to trip-hop to house to create emotive music with a natural sound.
As part of the internationally renowned Australian circus group ‘Gravity & Other Myths’, he composed the music for their show ‘A Simple Space’. His background classical percussion, drum kit, and electronic music allow him to craft an energetic live performance that compliments the live acrobatics. His live performances see the integration of live instruments, electronic loops, samplers and body percussion.
Sirins latest release ‘Nimbus’ features collaborations with Adelaide based vocalists, Bianca Carbone, Stephen Johnson and Lizzie Bradley. The three tracks are distinct, yet pulled together with warm sound design and dynamic rhythms.