Three new initiatives from the Adelaide City Council’s Live Music Action Plan 2014-16 were launched this week at a Town Hall ceremony.
Enacted last year, the Plan now brings to light a new gig app, rehearsal space and poster promotion opportunity.
Lord Mayor Martin Haese said he was delighted to see the first of the series of initiatives around developing partnerships with industry to enable long term sustainable Policies and Guidelines that provide real support to live music.
The NXTGIG app will capture information about live music including artists, venues and show times in one place for everyone and in real time.
“It’s free to list your performance and it’s free to access information about gigs and events. NXTGIG can also help with understanding the audience, which is crucial for audience development and the survival of industry and venues,” said app developer Karl Falzon. NXTGIG will be available for free through the App Store or Google Play in December.
Council is now offering a rehearsal space in the Adelaide Town Hall Meeting Hall (annexed to Pilgrim Uniting Church), to providing bands with a premium location which is “central, easily accessible with wonderful acoustics, at no cost to the user,” said Haese.
Council staff have also worked with the Exeter Hotel in Rundle Street to install a paste up wall where musicians can promote gigs and industry information in a prominent location in the city’s east end.
For more information about the Paste Up Wall, or to book the rehearsal space, contact the Adelaide City Council customer centre on 8203 7203.