[fusion_text]Thom Lion & The Tamers are one of the bands selected to play the Clipsal 500 on Sunday 6 March, and have just released a new single ‘Mess At Best‘. The ear-friendly indie-pop track should capture the attention of radio stations and listeners alike, with its bouncy keys driven sound.[/fusion_text][content_boxes layout=”icon-with-title” icon_circle_size=”small” icon_align=”left” columns=”4″ class=”” id=””][content_box title=”” icon=”” backgroundcolor=”” iconcolor=”” circlecolor=”” circlebordercolor=”” iconflip=”” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”” image_width=”35″ image_height=”35″ link=”” linktext=”” linktarget=”_self” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″] [/content_box][/content_boxes][soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/thom-lion/mess-at-best-1″ comments=”yes” auto_play=”no” color=”#ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”81px” class=”” id=””]