The Shadow Ministers

What started life as an impromptu lockdown collaboration between Paris Proud and Jason Mannix has since morphed into a fully-fledged rock & roll beast that has released three singles so far including their most recent, The Morning After Girls-flavoured ‘She’s Gonna Wreck My Life’.

Now comprised as a five-piece band, The Shadow Ministers are ready to showcase another chapter from their debut album ‘Low Noise / High Output’ that’s coming in early 2023.

Oasis meets Lynyrd Skynyrd with the DNA of AC/DC, ‘My Desire’ has a low-slung swagger as its chunky, raw, powerful, rugged, bluesy-rock takes over.

Scenestr (6/12/2022)

Shadow Minister for The Environment- Jason ‘JJ’ Mannix (Guitar/Vocals)
Shadow Minister for Education- Paris ‘PCP’ Proud (Guitar/Vocals)
Shadow Minister for Climate Change & Energy- Jackson ‘Faz’ Fazzalari (Guitar/Backing Vocals)
Shadow Minister for Health & Age Care- Sean ‘Ferret’ Martin (Drums)
Shadow Minister for The Arts- Kynan ‘Dyno’ Duke (Bass/Backing

Artist Details